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OM603 turbo into a w123 chassis: please some helping info!

Lähetetty: Su 29.01.2006 21:03
Kirjoittaja canonballman
Hello, my name is Reinier.

I am new here. Am from the Netherlands, and my Finnish is probably as bad as your Dutch :wink: I spent about 15 minutes just registering, but i believe now its okay.

I am not sure if I have put my question in the right part of this forum, pleas let me know when i did not.

Anyway, my question:
I recently bought a w124 estate with the om603 turbodiesel engine. This car had front damage, but good engine and automatic gearbox. 2 days ago I totally stripped this car from all the parts.
I want to put this engine and auto-gearbox in my W123 estate 230TE, which has a 4-speed manual, coupled to a 2.3 injection engine. This car is from 1984.

-What engine mounts and rubbers can best be used to fit the 0m603 in the w123 chassis? Or do i have to make or change the mounts by myself?
And will the engine sit well in the engine compartment? Not to much to the front, and not to much to the rear?
Maybe you guys can show me some pictures?

-What driveshaft can best be used, or must this be custom made? If so, HOW is the best way to do this (as in: which parts from which shaft must be put together?)

These are my questions so far, probably more will follow, but this are the first things I have to deal with.
On the mercedesshop - forum I have discovered the Finns are VERY into modifying mercedes' turbodiesel, so I thought the best way is to ask them!
I already emailed Mauri H. but haven't got an answer, maybe because he is not regularly on the forum.

So please help me!
Thanks in advance

Lähetetty: Su 29.01.2006 21:17
Kirjoittaja canonballman
And another question:

Right from the beginning I want to intercool the engine with an air-air intercooler in front of the water radiator.

Is it possible to use the inlet manifold of a non-turbo om603 engine on the turbodiesel engine?
That way, perhaps it is easier to install an intercooler (no welding on the inlet manifold) and mayby a better flow?

Lähetetty: Ma 30.01.2006 22:06
Kirjoittaja canonballman
can no-one help me? :(

Lähetetty: Ke 01.02.2006 19:30
Kirjoittaja Antti M.
Jarski has OM603 in W123, maybe he can help or send pictures, but I don't know how is his english... :? :D

Lähetetty: Ke 01.02.2006 22:22
Kirjoittaja canonballman
Maybe he can tell you the most important things, and you can translate it for me? Please....?

Lähetetty: To 02.02.2006 14:44
Kirjoittaja Mauri H.
I have no experience of W123, so Jarski or Rehtijii might be better to answer about this.

Sorry for my late response, I was travelling for a while.

Lähetetty: To 02.02.2006 15:26
Kirjoittaja nokileka
Samalla vaivalla se OM603 menee tosiaan w123:een kuin OM601:kin. OM603:t ovat vaan aikalailla hinnoissaan vielä ja vaatii lisäksi 5v-laatikon tai automaatin.
Omassa w123:ssa on tosiaan OM603 ja 5v-manuaalilaatikko. Heittämällä kävi paikoilleen toinen polttoaineletku, kardaani (Om617+4v-manuaali) ja vaihteiston takakannake. Muut paikat vaativat muutoksia. Perä on 3,69 eli 240D:stä. Jäähdytin w123:n oma, alavesiletku menee senverran ahtaasta paikasta, että jouduin laittamaan w124E:n laturin, missä on sisällä ne jäähdytyssiivet, ne kun hinkkasivat tavallisella laturilla vesiletkuun...
Here's short translation:
- He has now OM603 and 5-speed in his W123
- W123 radiator can be used
- Propeller shaft, transmission support and one fuel line will fit if the W123 is originally equipped with OM617 and 4-speed manual
- Other details will require some modifications, like engine mounts, cooling, exhaust, etc.
- jarski swapped newer type alternator from E-series W124 in order to make some extra space for the lower cooling hose routing

Lähetetty: To 02.02.2006 16:39
Kirjoittaja canonballman

But probably I cannot use this information very well, because I am gonna use the w124 automatic gearbox instead of a manual 5 speed.

But I understand that the engine mounts have to be fabricated by myself..?

More info of a 603+automatic in a w123 is always welcome!

Or does someone know a link or site with pictures of maybe motor mounts etc.?

The one who has the golden lead or picture gets a case of beer from me when he or she is in the Netherlands. :D

Lähetetty: To 02.02.2006 21:40
Kirjoittaja nokileka
canonballman kirjoitti:Thanks!

But probably I cannot use this information very well, because I am gonna use the w124 automatic gearbox instead of a manual 5 speed.
i was bit in a hurry. doesn't matter if you use 5-speed or automatic from W124

since original text says:
"Samalla vaivalla se OM603 menee tosiaan w123:een kuin OM601:kin. OM603:t ovat vaan aikalailla hinnoissaan vielä ja vaatii lisäksi 5v-laatikon tai automaatin. "
blaa blaa blaa swap needs 5-speed or automatic transmission (from W124).


Lähetetty: To 02.02.2006 23:15
Kirjoittaja jarski
Some pictures: ... p?album=31 My English is not very well..
The engine mounts are from w126 300SD (Om603). There is a piece of iron between engine mounts and motor :roll:
Pictures tells more than 1000 words :D

Lähetetty: To 02.02.2006 23:33
Kirjoittaja nokileka
canonballman, jarski just earned case of beer? :?:

Lähetetty: To 02.02.2006 23:44
Kirjoittaja jarski
nokileka kirjoitti:canonballman, jarski just earned case of beer? :?:
"jamku" too. :roll:

Lähetetty: To 02.02.2006 23:47
Kirjoittaja jamku
naah, i don't drink beer.. and i'm just the photographer ;)

Lähetetty: Pe 03.02.2006 10:55
Kirjoittaja Tomi S.
OT: kenen tuo W126 noissa kuvissa on?

Viime kesänä oltiin vaihtamassa mutsin Mazda 626 2.0D Comprexia Mersuun, niin käytiin tuota katsomassa. Olihan kamalassa kunnossa!
Toivottavasti päässyt hyvään huomaan ja tulee kuntoon, siisti peli muuten.
Rytkytti, vispasi, heilui, huojui ja seilasi enemmän ku laki sallii ja toinen nokka äänsi niin mahottomasti, automaattikaan ei vaihtanut mitenkään mainittavan mukavasti...

Re: ..

Lähetetty: Pe 03.02.2006 12:42
Kirjoittaja canonballman
jarski kirjoitti:Some pictures: ... p?album=31 My English is not very well..
The engine mounts are from w126 300SD (Om603). There is a piece of iron between engine mounts and motor :roll:
Pictures tells more than 1000 words :D


You're English is well enough!

One question:
I see 2 pieces of iron between the mounts and the engine. That wont be hard to fabricate for me. The aluminium arms/engine mounts are as you say from a w126 300sd, so that wont be hard for me i believe to find.
But then then the actual question:

The RUBBER parts of the engine mounts, which are bolted to the chassis: what are they?
-w126 300sd also?
-w123 standard (om617)?
or something else?

And when are you guys (Jarski and the fotographer) coming to holland?
I will put a case of Heineken in the refrigerator for you!

Re: ..

Lähetetty: Pe 03.02.2006 12:43
Kirjoittaja canonballman
I dont understand a word you say Tomi S., but maybe someone can translate it for me :D

Re: ..

Lähetetty: Pe 03.02.2006 14:21
Kirjoittaja XUX63
canonballman kirjoitti:I dont understand a word you say Tomi S., but maybe someone can translate it for me :D
He just asked about the W126 which was in the web-page... off-topic :wink:

Lähetetty: Pe 03.02.2006 23:19
Kirjoittaja canonballman
@ Jarski:

Could you please give me the Mercedes-Benz part numbers which are on the left and right motor mounts? I mean the aluminium things, which are bolted to the engine?

On the picture, I cannot read the entire part number. I see it begins with "R 603 223" but from there I cannot read further.

My MB parts supplier cannot find out what the part numbers are, because he hasn't got information on USA Mercedeses.

If I give him the numbers tough, he can order the engine mounts.

greets, Reinier

Lähetetty: La 04.02.2006 00:00
Kirjoittaja canonballman
Someone in the USA gave me the number of the right side: R 603 223 07 04
He couldnt give me the number of the left side.

Maybe you, Jarski? :D

Lähetetty: La 04.02.2006 21:26
Kirjoittaja jarski
The rubber parts are from Om617. I give motor mounts number for You tomorrow, now it's too dark and cold :roll: ..

Lähetetty: La 04.02.2006 21:33
Kirjoittaja jarski
Tomi S. kirjoitti:OT: kenen tuo W126 noissa kuvissa on?

Viime kesänä oltiin vaihtamassa mutsin Mazda 626 2.0D Comprexia Mersuun, niin käytiin tuota katsomassa. Olihan kamalassa kunnossa!
Toivottavasti päässyt hyvään huomaan ja tulee kuntoon, siisti peli muuten.
Rytkytti, vispasi, heilui, huojui ja seilasi enemmän ku laki sallii ja toinen nokka äänsi niin mahottomasti, automaattikaan ei vaihtanut mitenkään mainittavan mukavasti...
Kyllä se meikäläisen Ässä on 8) :roll:
Ei siinä mielestäni muuta suurempaa vikaa enää ole, kuin toinen nokka tosiaan ääntää, vuotaa kyllä öljyäkin sen puolen kannen välistä. Jäähdyttimen jouduin uusimaan, entinen oli sisältä tukossa ja lämmöt reilussa 100:ssa, nyt normaalit..


Lähetetty: Su 05.02.2006 21:31
Kirjoittaja jarski
The aluminium parts numbers are:
Right: R 603 223 07 04
Left: R 603 223 06 04

Lähetetty: Ma 06.02.2006 19:31
Kirjoittaja canonballman
Thanks Jarski!!

Just phoned my MB parts supplier, and they are a bit pricey, but someone in the US offered me 2 used ones. I do not know yet how much he wants for them, and how much shipping is. When I know, I make my decision, new versus used.

@ Jarski:
Do you have on BOTH sides 2 pieces of iron between the mounts and the engine??
Maybe you know how thick the plates are? 10mm? 12mm? or other dimensions of the plates maybe?

Lähetetty: Ma 06.02.2006 20:37
Kirjoittaja jarski
canonballman kirjoitti:Thanks Jarski!!

Just phoned my MB parts supplier, and they are a bit pricey, but someone in the US offered me 2 used ones. I do not know yet how much he wants for them, and how much shipping is. When I know, I make my decision, new versus used.

@ Jarski:
Do you have on BOTH sides 2 pieces of iron between the mounts and the engine??
Maybe you know how thick the plates are? 10mm? 12mm? or other dimensions of the plates maybe?
I have on right side 2 pieces of iron between the mounts and the engine. Left side have 1 piece of iron. The plates are 10mm thick/piece.

Lähetetty: Pe 24.02.2006 12:54
Kirjoittaja canonballman
Hi to you all!

Been trying to get me 2 motor mounts, off the number Jarski gave me, of a w126 with om603 engine. Because these cars dont ussually run in Europe, I tried to get them from the USA.
Was very expensive to ship them here.

After a little investigation, i discovered that the mounts from a 300SE or 300SEL w126 are exact the same. (103 6-cilinder petrol engine has the same mounting points as the 603)

So yesterday I bought them 20 km away from here for just 10 euro a piece :D

Now i just have one question, and hope Jarski can answer it for me again:
How many milimeters have you put the mounts to the rear of the engine, to get the 603 in the w123 engine bay?

On the pictures of Jarski's engine, it seems that the mounts are moved a bit to the rear.

Lähetetty: La 25.02.2006 03:32
Kirjoittaja jarski
I check tomorrow how many millimeters...


Lähetetty: Su 26.02.2006 21:51
Kirjoittaja jarski
One picture tells more than 1000 words: :roll: ... 986721.jpe

Lähetetty: Su 26.02.2006 22:04
Kirjoittaja Malm

jarskilla on kyllä hyvät kuvat kyseisestä operaatiosta, heräsi itselläkin hullunkiilto silmiin että jos itsekkin toteuttaisi samanlaisen rojektin tässä lähipäivinä 8) 8)


Lähetetty: Ma 27.02.2006 15:29
Kirjoittaja canonballman

thanks, thanks, thanks again!!

All clear now Jarski!

On the picture you mention: "tight place"
Do you mean that the oil sump of the engine almost hits the chassis there?

I'm gonna get some iron plates of 10mm thick, and saw, drill etc, to get what you have.

I'll let you know when i get further!


Lähetetty: Ma 27.02.2006 18:27
Kirjoittaja jarski
canonballman kirjoitti:

On the picture you mention: "tight place"
Do you mean that the oil sump of the engine almost hits the chassis there?